L A R R Y   B E M M

New Work

January 9 – February 8, 2003

KIMBERLY VENARDOS & COMPANY is pleased to announce the opening of an exhibition of new paintings and drawings by LARRY BEMM. Please join us at a reception for the artist Thursday, January 9th, 2003 from 6pm to 8pm. The exhibition will remain on view through February 8th, 2003. KIMBERLY VENARDOS & COMPANY is located at 1014 Madison Avenue, between 78th and 79th Streets.

Punctuated by animated forms and warm rich colors, LARRY BEMM: New Work brings together fifteen paintings and works on paper by this Seattle-based artist. Building on his signature abstract vocabulary, the exhibition continues the artist’s investigation of space, theatricality and levity. LARRY BEMM’s fresh and imaginative compositions reflect a modern sensibility, subtly referencing imagery from commercial culture and daily life, reducing them to their basic elements.

In “Broadcast” a cascade of chocolate colored circles spin down like balls bouncing across a slice of Neapolitan ice cream. A scooped fringe, suggesting a stage curtain about to rise, anchors the composition. BEMM’s laconic proclamation is youthful and exuberant, enticing us to stop and take in the performance. “Soup to Nuts” presents a procession of shapes dancing across a green and blue canvas. At once marching and meandering, there is a playful yet mischievous quality to the work, further charged by BEMM’s buoyant use of color.

Regularly employing specific symbols, motions and palette choices, BEMM establishes personal allegories to convey meaning and emotion. Using language as a further provocation, his titles redefine and complement his interests. Paintings such as “Tootle” and “Top-heavy Knickknack”, conjure sounds as well as images, contextualizing BEMM’s array of forms, while resituating them within a new chain of associations.

With this new body of work BEMM reveals a personal mythology drawn from the everyday past and present. BEMM’s compositions, observes author Matthew Kangas, “take abstract art seriously enough to make [them] carry humor and pop-culture references…managing to keep the viewer’s eye moving while expressing an optimism and clarity, they attain a hedonistic pleasure associated with the great abstract painters of the past century: Henry Mattisse, Wassily Kandinsky and Ellsworth Kelly.”

LARRY BEMM has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in the United States, China and Japan and his work is in numerous public and private collections. A frequent juror and lecturer, BEMM has held teaching positions at the University of Puget Sound and Sichuan Academy of Fine Art in Chongqing. He received his BFA from Illinois State University. This is LARRY BEMM’s first solo exhibition in New York.

Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10am - 6pm
Please visit our website 
For additional information please contact: 
Kimberly Venardos & Company, Inc. (212) 879-5858